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2 Hits, Last modified:
====== Ancient Indian Wisdom Illuminates the Path to Scientific Enlightenment ====== Ancient Indian wisdom and modern science intersect in the pursuit of scientific enlightenment. Rational and... cientists have been exploring evidence to support the wisdom of our enlightened ancestors, with Western... ress in recent decades. This work has transcended the boundaries of religion, race, caste, culture, and
Indian Knowledge Systems
1 Hits, Last modified:
ledge Systems (IKS)** is an innovative cell under the **Ministry of Education (MoE)** at the **All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE)** in New De... l applications. IKS actively engages in spreading the rich heritage of our country, encompassing tradit... s about IKS: 1. **Research Proposal Workshops**: The IKS Division conducts outcome-based proposal writ