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Acadmic Profile of Dr. Raman Singh, MPhil, MIPL, PhD, MGWIS
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", "description":"A teacher and Scientist of Organic and Medicinal Chemistry" } --- ====== Academi... = **Professor (Assistant)** **Specialization:** Organic Chemistry including Medicinal Chemistry **Email id:** raman[dot]singh[at]mmumullana[dot]org\\ **Education:**\\ Ph.D. (Chemistry)(2007), Jiwaj
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==== <html><p fontface="Algerian">We Synthesize Organic Molecules</p> <p>&amp;</p> <p><strong>Open fo
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d in Third Madhya Pradesh Science congress- 2006, organized by Rajeev Gandhi College, Bhopal, on 9 -10D... Award in 22nd M.P. Young Scientist Congress-2007, Organized by M.P. Council of Science and Technology, Bhopal(M.P.) and Co-Organized by Samrat Ashok Technological Institute, Vi
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la, Haryana. Her primary area of interest lies in Organic Chemistry including medicinal chemistry, Synthetic Organic Chemistry, and IPR.\\ She has done MSc (Chemi... Indian culture and Hindi Bhasha promotion program organized by Inde-Alsace Association, Strasbourg She... ble, etc). She acquired training in the field of organic synthesis, antimicrobial assay, IPR, Dope tes
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UG, and Diploma Courses: MSc: General Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Organic Synthesis, Medicinal Chemistry, BSc (Med/NonMed/Honours): Organic Chemistry, BTech-Biotech, and BTech: Applied Chemistry, DMLT: Basic and Organic Chemistry( National and International Student
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