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Mendeley for Researchers: Bibliography and Networking
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rduous efforts. This workshop will introduce new software and platform to solve this problem. The work... s to sensitize the participants on ‘how the power of reference manager can be used in their research a... be led by **Dr. Kuldeep Singh MRSC**, Associate Professor, Chemistry Department, M. M. (DU) Mullana =... s to sensitize the participants on ‘how the power of reference manager can be used in their research a
4 Hits, Last modified:
how to create an online presence. The second part of the workshop will focus on software to manage research literature effectively. The hands-on practice ... involve writing a research article with the help of Mendeley. It will help to create bibliographies i... l be led by **Dr. Kuldeep Singh MRSC, Associate Professor, Chemistry Department, M. M. (DU) Mullana.**