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syntax @wiki
4 Hits, Last modified:
ing media formats directly. | Image | ''gif'', ''jpg'', ''png'' | | Video | ''webm'', ''ogv'', ''mp4'... ve the same filename as the video and be either a jpg or png file. In the example above a ''video.jpg'' file would work. ===== Lists ===== Dokuwiki suppor... gwbasic haskell haxe hicest hq9plus html html4strict html5 icon idl ini inno intercal io ispfpanel jav
syntax @ict:wiki
4 Hits, Last modified:
ing media formats directly. | Image | ''gif'', ''jpg'', ''png'' | | Video | ''webm'', ''ogv'', ''mp4'... ve the same filename as the video and be either a jpg or png file. In the example above a ''video.jpg'' file would work. ===== Lists ===== Dokuwiki suppor... gwbasic haskell haxe hicest hq9plus html html4strict html5 icon idl ini inno intercal io ispfpanel jav