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7 Hits, Last modified:
<WRAP half column> <html> <script src=""></script> <div class=... ley Cite]] </WRAP> <WRAP half column> Mendeley is a bibliographic manager allowing you to manage, r... annotate, and cite your research papers. Mendeley is a free tool, and it also helps you organize and m... s Networking, Job opportunities, and funding. This workshop will enable researchers to understand va
Mendeley for Researchers: Bibliography and Networking
7 Hits, Last modified:
<WRAP half column> <html> <script src=""></script> <div class=... in the correct format requires arduous efforts. This workshop will introduce new software and platform to solve this problem. The workshop aims to sensitize the parti... can be used in their research activities’. This workshop is supported by **Mendeley**. The sessio