Fulltext results:
- 1517march2018
- ==== Metathetic synthesis and characterization of macroheterocycles === ==International Conference on ... olor="white" align="left"> ==== Metathetic synthesis and characterization of macroheterocycles ==== </
- 1112april2019
- ==== Fragment coupling approach for the synthesis of macroheterocycles === ==UGC sponsored 10th Nation... "> ==== Fragment coupling approach for the synthesis of macroheterocycles ==== </blockquote> <blockquo
- 2425feb2017
- ==== Metathetic Synthesis of oxygen and nitrogen containing Macroheterocycles === ==Professor Ram Chan... olor="white" align="left"> ==== Metathetic Synthesis of oxygen and nitrogen containing Macroheterocycl
- 2729december2019
- ==== Design synthesis and Invitro screening of Substituted 123-triazole derivatives === == Internatio... k" color="white" align="left"> ==== Design synthesis and Invitro screening of Substituted 123-triazole
- 1314january2017
- ==== Synthesis of N and S heterocycles as possible anti-microbial agents === ==Achievements of Women i... or="dark" color="white" align="left"> ==== Synthesis of N and S heterocycles as possible anti-microbia
- 2930dec2013
- ==== Ring Closing metathesis as a tool to macrocyclic synthesis === ==3rd national conference on emerging trends in basic sciences... r="white" align="left"> ==== Ring Closing metathesis as a tool to macrocyclic synthesis ==== </blockquote> <blockquote> [[kuldeep:start|Dr. Kuldeep Singh,
- 2829march2015
- ==== Metathesis reaction in pharmaceutical industry === ==National conference on research & innovation... r="dark" color="white" align="left"> ==== Metathesis reaction in pharmaceutical industry ==== </blockq