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ChemSuite @ict:software
6 Hits, Last modified:
---json { "canonical":"ict:software:chemsuite", "title":"ChemSuite", "description":"A desc... result engine" } --- ====== ChemSuite ====== {{:ict:software:pasted:ict:software:chemsuite-20211110-181232.png |}} It is a multi-featured, powerful toolk... it, having a collection of useful modules such as data refinement, descriptor calculator, data splitter,
lab_workshop_on_cadd/day_1 @ict:lab_workshop_on_cadd
3 Hits, Last modified:
====== DAY 1 ====== <WRAP center round box> [[ict:lab_workshop_on_cadd:start|CADD WORKSHOP]] [[day_... spreadsheet, in which the user can enter with the data set composed by the structure definition of the c... is an excellent editor for preparing MOPAC input data-sets and for viewing results. Runs on Windows,