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n initSearch() { // check for quick search table and searchfield if (!document.getElementById('qs_tab... quicksearch')) { return; } // load all the rows and sort into arrays loadTableData(); //find the ... rch; } function loadTableData() { // find table and appropriate rows searchTable = document.getEleme... TagName('tr'); // split all rows into entryRows and infoRows (e.g. abstract, comment, bibtex) entryR
2425feb2017 @publications:invited_talk_resource_person
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==== Metathetic Synthesis of oxygen and nitrogen containing Macroheterocycles === ==Professor Ram Chand Paul National Symposium on Current Advances in Ch... align="left"> ==== Metathetic Synthesis of oxygen and nitrogen containing Macroheterocycles ==== </bloc
A title for template iteration and search page engine @publications:journals
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004", "title":"A title for template iteration and search page engine", "description":"A description for template iteration and search page engine" } --- ====== Polymorphism of... deep Singh, Kakali Lahiri, Sambasivarao Kotha, Roland Boese, Gautam R Desiraju \\ //Angewandte Chemie I