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rconductors, semiconductors, ceramics, antifungal agents and also have spacious applications in medicines.... rconductors, semiconductors, ceramics, antifungal agents and also have spacious applications in medicines.... riazole &beta;-lactam conjugates as antimicrobial agents <p class="infolinks">[<a href="javascript:toggleI... riazole &beta;-lactam conjugates as antimicrobial agents}, journal = {Heliyon}, year = {2020}, volum
1314january2017 @publications:invited_talk_resource_person
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f N and S heterocycles as possible anti-microbial agents === ==Achievements of Women in Science and techno... f N and S heterocycles as possible anti-microbial agents ==== </blockquote> <blockquote> [[kuldeep:start|D
A review on synthetic methods for 2-Deoxy-D-glucose @publications:journals
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uld help in developing therapeutics or diagnostic agents aimed at exploring therapeutic targets related to... ods would help develop therapeutics or diagnostic agents to explore therapeutic targets related to energy