Table of Contents

Mendeley for Researchers: Bibliography and Networking

In today's research world, managing references and citing them in the correct format requires arduous efforts. This workshop will introduce new software and platform to solve this problem. The workshop aims to sensitize the participants on ‘how the power of reference manager can be used in their research activities’.

This workshop is supported by Mendeley. The session will be led by Dr. Kuldeep Singh MRSC, Associate Professor, Chemistry Department, M. M. (DU) Mullana


The workshop aims to sensitize the participants on ‘how the power of reference manager can be used in their research activities’.

How to Attend

Faculty members, research scholars, fellows are invited to take part in this workshop. As seats are limited, interested members are requested to submit registration form. It is mandatory to bring your laptop (Windows 10/ Mac/ apple notebook/ Linux) in the workshop. Make sure you have either Microsoft Word or Libre Office.

Date & Time 13 June 2020 4-6 PM IST

Location: Online

Registration: Open Please register at both links Status: open