Discipline Specific Electives

1.Applications of Computers in Chemistry (4) + Lab (4)
2.Analytical Methods in Chemistry (4) + Lab (4)
3.Molecular Modelling & Drug Design (4) + Lab (4)
4.Novel Inorganic Solids (4) + Lab (4)
5.Polymer Chemistry (4) + Lab (4)
6.Research Methodology for Chemistry (5) + Tutorials (1)
7.Green Chemistry (4) + Lab (4)
8.Industrial Chemicals & Environment (4) + Lab (4)
9.Inorganic Materials of Industrial Importance (4) + Lab (4)
10.Instrumental Methods of Analysis (4) + Lab (4)
11.Quantum Chemistry, Spectroscopy & Photochemistry (4) + Lab (4)
12.Organometallics, Bioinorganic chemistry, Polynuclear hydrocarbons and UV, IR Spectroscopy
13.Molecules of Life


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